Last Friday after class, my boyfriend was in town with me and we went to Place Bonaventure to attend the Everything about Sex Show exhibit. 20 dollars per person: it cost a lovely 40$ to get in. Though you can get a 3-day pass for 30$. It's still not a huge exhibition but it's very descent compared to its beginning: more stands, more kiosques, and they still have they're big stage where we saw pole-robics. The performer owns her own school in Montreal, and she placed herself 8th in a National pole dancing competition. You should see the thighs and calves on this chick: "Wow". It was nice to look at but it was annoying listening to little couple in front of me. The guy kept mentioning about the pole dancer's cellulite... For god sake, you go on stage, poor bastard! Sidetracking...
I won't describe all the booths. First one I came in on, 2 for 1 pyrex glass dildos. They were so awesome, beautiful and shiny, of all sizes. 50$ is cheap it seems. The 3 girls behind the counter all had the same sale's pitch (Imagine this sentence said with a valley girl accent.): "They're so resistant, that I dropped it on the floor and it didn't break." Me and Justin we passed the booth 3 times, 3 different girls at that counter and they all said the same thing. We laughed.
Me and Dr. Laurie Betito |
This lovely picture at the right is Dr. Laurie Betito from CJAD. She has a talk show radio, especially about relational topics and issues. A friend of mine got interviewed by her several months ago. It was very interesting to meet her. We got to exchange about sexology and psychology. She gave me some good references towards English Canda since sexology in Quebec seems mainly a French thing, or almost.
Kept going down the aisles, at the back of the exhibition hall was the "donjon". Oh yes! there was lots of stuff going on and people there were the most courteous. Ready to answer any questions. We passed there and stayed a while. Pictures weren't aloud, of course. I have to say throughout the whole show, all the folks there were the most authentic but that's just my opinion. A lot of stands were for sex toys of all kind and lots were for clothes too. I get a kick out of listening to people's reactions: "Ah check that out!", "Oh that's gross!" and "Can you believe this?". Those are the most recurring exclamations I heard that night.
One that stand out for me was Bonnie's I went on the Web site. I was very, very happy. The have 2 lines of lingerie that go up to 5XL. My big hips and thighs (plus my "arse") are joyful.... my ego too! It's just nice to have something like this Canadian-based and not have to shop on E-bay international. I have to say that their prices are quite reasonable. A few items are overpriced but they weren't the most popular ones on their site. The staff at the kiosque were nice. They let me take a picture of their sign :)
As we went on, you could notice some stands weren't what they seemed. This one booth had little papers to fill out for contests and prizes; e.g. a Harley-Davidson, 500$ cash; but you didn't know what was the organization for this or the company behind it. It just felt like they were picking up people's info. The other stand in the "fishy" department was I love what it represents but with some light research and reading more into it, it's not what it seemed. I found that "clitoraid" was a catchy name though.
There was Uncle D and so many other pornography material types booths. Some were hardcore and some were very artistic. It nice to see how the porn stars and models look in real life compared to photos and videos: "Wow, the miracles of make-up, lighting and Photoshop!" hehehe We finished our tour with "art". As you come in, on the far left of the hall, they arranged a sort of little art gallery. There was so many lovely pieces. This one artist in particular. Too bad the picture didn't come out better but if anybody knows this guy: I want to encourage him.
There was pieces of all kind: oil canevases, ink on rag, photographs. I left drool puddles on their floor.
We spent all and about an hour and a half in there. It was educational, I met some interesting people and I saw beautiful things. 20$ for entrance is a bit steep for the time I spent there but you can stay for way longer than that. I didn't buy anything impressive. I've never read so many instruction, awareness and disclaimer messages on products. I did get out of there with an subscription for FA magazine (Femmes d'Aujourd'hui). Last and not least, me and my partner NOW both know that dropping a pyrex glass dildo on the floor won't break it.