Saturday, February 5, 2011

Shhhhh! You're loud!

According to : What is being tactful?
A : It is choosing your words and/or actions carefully so as not to offend or anger other people.

I was at a show last night, at the Sala Rosa in Montreal. I saw perform the Dukes of Drags. It was there fifth big annual show : Fan night formula. They're performing again to tonight. I can't compare the Dukes to anything else because they're the only type I know in THE genre, so for me that makes it THEIR genre. I find they're trully incredible, gutsy and hilarious. I will not make a review about them because I'm not a critic! Let's just say they're worth the wait!

We, Justin (boyfriend) and me, waited in the stair with some friends that were already there over an hour before the doors open to have good seats for the show. Sala Rosa is a decent cabaret for the size it is. Once in, we had tables at the front of the stage. Obviously, it was so we could throw panties at the show. Well, that was one of the reason but it is nice to have a firstplan view of the nudity too! The center of the room is tables and chair. On the sides, little rows of chairs are set up.
Our table was stage-right, right in front of the speakers, at the beginning of the little side chair rows and not to far away from the restrooms. A bunch of kids - I have to say kids even though they were obviously early 20's were hanging out, close to the restroom area, drinking and talking really loud with frequent outburst of laughter. A first reaction without looking is : "Wow, they're really in the show!", smiling. Then this laughing doesn't occur during appropriate moments when the show is unfolding or when the emcee is talking. So, you take a look to see that their backs are turned to the stage, they're blocking the view of the people in the first side rows' seats and a couple of friends are looking at them and looking at me while rolling their eyes. They were very loud! I tried to keep my attention on the show but my ear drag me back to those outbursts because it was out of context.

When one of them just started peeking on stage but literally stretching around to hide my boyfriend and breathe in my ear. I physically snap but I kept quiet, still. My boyfriend felt I became a ticking-timing bomb. One the "kids" was running in front of the down-stage area, getting in the front row people's feet and the photographer to take pictures with his crappy little dig-cam. THAT'S IT! I OPEN MY MOUTH!

"Would you mind being respectful and tone it down, we're trying to follow the show here."
One replied : "We're not trying to steal the show..." I cutted in : "Well, you are in a way. You guys are very loud and disruptive. You're hiding people's view a bit everywhere because you weren't there since the beginning. We payed the entry just like you AND probably just like you, a whole bunch of them (pointing to the performers on stage) are friends of ours just like they're yours. So please, be respectful!!!" I didn't yell but I was stern, with a finger sticking out. I have no idea how all that came out of my mouth. I wasn't drunk and stuff was brewing inside. I guess it just age and wisdom that comes with time.

Venues like these are a great place where one can express themselves, be free / open and have a good time. But when "your" fun and self-expression is crushing others', it's just plain disrespectful in my opinion. Before I opened my mouth I thought it was only me they bothered, but when I saw it was my table, the other behind and the first row of chairs on the side - I understood I wasn't being fussy.


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