Saturday, February 26, 2011

To NERD week - what?!?

No classes for next week! I still have a lot of reading to catch up, two team projects to pursue and some studying for my other 2 mid terms exam in two weeks; hence the nomination of this upcoming week : Reading Week. (In French : semaine de lecture) I have to admit the terminology "Spring break" sounds so much better, positive and of-the-party-nature. For the latter, Google the words "spring break" for images and you'll get a shitload of BOOBS!!! It mostly all Americans too.

The fun I'll be having this week will be continuing my latest faux-stain glass project, reorganizing my closets (big project) and other little nick-nacks. I'm just going to be REALLY HAPPY at not going out each day of the week and commute for classes.

"Spring break--also known as March break, Study Week or Reading Week in some parts of Canada--is a recess in early spring at universities and schools in the Brazil, Canada, mainland China, Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Mexico, South Africa, the United States, the United Kingdom and other countries."

I like how there's a specific of how it's called "Reading Week in some parts of Canada--", it makes us sound like NERDS. Wiki ain't the top reference material but it sure is practical! It was the more accurate because the one below, from Princeton, is pretty mild. Both definitions do have the word RECESS in them.

S: (n) spring break (a week or more of recess during the spring term at school) 

On a short note : to all my fellow classmates, to all my friends who are teacher and to all who are parents - ENJOY this upcoming week! 

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Ideal sexual relations?

I was taking a shower this morning and this train of thought just kept going on in my head. I'm not writing this on my facebook page because it's just too darn long for the status box, and I don't want to put it in a FB notes because I want it on my blog... right here!

In sexology, psychology and medicine, a lot of researchers: describe and develop the modal sexual response model over the decades; can label and identify sexual disorders; re-categorize and redefine all type of sexuality items (by items: physiological, psychological, sociological, etc.); and, determine proper course of actions to treat them.

What is the ideal sexual relation? Where not one dysfunction is present? I guess the logical answer would be where all phase of the sexual response model associated are experienced properly. There it is: "(...) experienced properly." Human beings are as individual as they get and sexuality is proper to the individual. Logically, sexuality becomes individualize. As I heard the term, it can be said that I had a rich sex life. I've met so many (many) people where, if they didn't receive any complaints or never been compared, they think they're perfectly healthy and normal.

I keep thinking about this like: If a tree falls in the forest but no one is around to hear it; will it still make noise? A guy or a girl is an early cumer (this is more for guys) and it's never been an issue for him. It's never been an issue in his relationships or in singlehood. Would he consider it a dysfunction? A girl that needs to stimulate her clit while coital or finger penetration to cum and never had any complaints about it: would she feel inadequate? Two women in a relationship for 10 years and don't experience with penetration during the sexual relationship; who would know if any of the two suffer from vaginism. They just don't like penetration. A guy in his twenties who doesn't like to have sex once a week and prefers it once every 2 months. Is that an issue if he's single? If he's in a relationship with someone who feels and thinks the same way. I can easily pull 20 and more examples just on the top of my head, without getting in any paraphilias.

Do you get where I'm going with this?

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Violent Winds

I slept so bad last night! Waking up this morning wasn't difficult for as I'm not grumpy, it's just I'm missing sleep. My bedroom walls are thick but I can easily hear everything going on down in the street.

The winds were so violent during the night that Town Hall flagpoles' hardware were chimes;
All chairs and others big items I'm neighboring stretch balcony were dancing randomly;
And, the isolating plastic in my window just kept boasting itself against my closed blind.

For the last two days, the rain has been washing away the snow.
Grass blades were stretching out and the streets were clean.
But when I woke up this morning, I found out why the wind was so reckless:
Winter was fighting with Spring.

Winter told it it wasn't its time yet and blew snow all over the ground.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Facebook - to befriend or not!

I'm aware that this has all been blog before about everywhere on the Interwebs. Just adding my two cents.

The more I dive in the virtual networking of Facebook, it makes me feel like I come from a very different social time. I don't have 300 or more friends. I have 90 something and it will come down in the next week or so. I'll be cleaning up my "friends" list, meaning: who am I still interacting with, which contact is still useful to keep, who am I seeing lately in the physical world, and so forth.

Then, there's the people you refuse or ignore. I have two good examples. My boyfriend's sisters want to "friend" me on my Facebook but that's all they are for now: my boyfriend's sisters. I don't know them personally, it doesn't mean I don't want that to change with time. I don't want to get to know them over the Net. Secondly, classmates from this semester are sending - Friend Request - on my FB page which I ignore or refuse simply again: "I don't know you". Consequently in both cases, it's taken personally and I get snobbed or looked upon. Seriously, it baffles me how people react to it. That's just one more reason not to befriend you in any way.

It all depends how you use Facebook. I have some personal stuff on there, some racy pictures and all good stuff that I like to share with people I know; or as I heard someone else says: "People I would invite over for dinner!"

Anyways, I've been writing this and popping back in FB to clean up the list. Mostly ppl I unfriended in Facebook have so many peeps on their own pages, they'll never notice that I'm gone from theirs.

(I'm at a spanking 80 friends. I'll gloat on how many few I have :) Still processing...)

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Sleeping to remember!

I studied tonight for a test that I have tomorrow evening. I'll be studying again tomorrow and I plan to take a nap before I commute to Montreal for the exam. Usually, this type of studying is "cramming" but I wonder with the planned sleep if it still counts as that.

I'm sure there must be other peeps like me out there. I study and than I like to, kind of, "sleep on it" because I remember it better after. If I base myself on the information-retrieval process towards the modal model of memory, my brain does its best work when I'm sleeping.

While "shit", I just reacquired tonight, will be reorganizing itself in my brain, I wonder what kind of dreams I'll have? I can't be alone that plans studying like this? I say studying but it actually revision... I was a good girl to go through all of it once before.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Day 3 without WOW

Here's a side of me that a lot of you do not know : I'm a gamer, a PC MMO gamer. I've traveled Everquest to EQ2, to finally migrate to World of Warcraft. I've been around them for about 10 years... maybe more. I'm the gamer that can play 18 hours in a row, that can be in a raid for 7 hours on end, that can sit at her chair and not move a whole week-end unless to pay the delivery guy or to go to the restroom. Frankly, if there would be a hole on my chair with a bad hanging underneith, it would be heaven.


I hate it because I have an addictive personality. If we would go in psychology and look at the 5-model factors of Personality, I'm very strong in the Sensation seeking factor. The games aren't addictive, it's me who has issues to stop. If I get on them, I just can't stop. Well, I can but they stay always on my mind. January 2010, I decided to get away from Wow and succeeded 'till December 7th, when Cataclysm (an expansion pack of the game) came out. It was a Christmas thing to myself and my boyfriend! We each got Cataclysm and 2 months of "play-time". The 2 months are up for me... not my boyfriend, he got himself an other month.

So - it's been 3 days without Wow. It's on my mind, not constantly. I feel a bit of withdrawal symptoms when I get in front of my pc's screen... I'm not talking about getting the shakes, but almost. I miss it, but I have to tap myself on the back : I gave myself an ending date and I did. It's so easy to pick up my credit card and subscribe again.

I'll concentrate on my semester and then, in May, I'll reopen my account. Muahahahahahaha!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

"Ovogénèse" for half-wits, like me

For this semester, I need to know the whole process for ovogénèse. Yes, it's in French and a lot more terminology below in this text will be for I am learning about this in that nomenclature. So I figured instead of just writing on the computer the story of what it is, I'll blog about it so I can come back to it later on and leave it out there on the Net if someone else ever finds it to help them as well.

Once upon a time.... there was a reproductive system in the human female body. In this reproductive system, there was magic which all starts in the ovaries. Within the ovaries, ovules are formed. There are two zones within the ovaries, the zone corticale which contains the organites ovariens (follicules and what derives from them to form the ovules) and the zone médullaire, where we find the paquet vasculo-nerveux that gives nourishment to the ovary.

A 7-month old female embryo is estimated to have 7 million primordial follicules that form ovules in their ovaries. At birth, these contain only 1 million and by puberty 400,000 remain. The number just keeps going down until menopause. In the life of a woman, it is said calculate that only 300 to 400 follicules attain to a full ovulation cycle.

In the ovary, the primordial cells that will form ovules are called : ovogonies. When one gets to a mature state, it's called ovocyte 1. Ovocyte 1 blocked in Prophase 1 has a nucleus and a membrane. The ovocyte 1 becomes surrounded by des cellules folliculeuses aplaties within the stroms cortical, among the capillaires sanguins. All these flatten out cells around the ovocyte 1 multiply in number, while still surrounding the ovocyte 1. Consequently, they become cubic shaped, cellule folliculeuse cubique, these form the Slavjanski membrane. From that point the whole ovocyte 1 follicule enters in secondary phase. The cellules folliculeuses cubiques multiply in layers around the ovocyte 1 and this thickness of layers, underneith the Slajvanski membrane, are called the granulosa. While the granulosa cells around the ovocyte secrete a gel, this layer of gel around it becomes the zone Pellucide. Starting from the middle going inside-out, you have the ovocyte, the Pellucide zone, the granulosa, the Slajvanski membrane, and last there is la thèque interne. In la thèque interne, there are capillaires sanguins and cellules épithéloïdes.

The next stage is called jeune follicule cavitaire. Everything get bigger, especially because the cells of the granulosa keep secreting the gel like matter. Little type-like puddles are form within the granulosa which are called corps de Call et Exner. When a whole punch of them gather together, it forms the ANTRUM. The follicule keeps getting bigger, more epithéloïde cells attached themselves to capillaires sanguins. Around the thèque interne there is now a thèque externe. The thèque externe contains myofibroblastes, which are hybrid cells that the thèque interne doesn't have. Connexed inside the antrum, the ovocyte with the pellucide zone and some layers of the granulosa demarked themselves to become the cumulus (or oophorus). The cells from the cumulus start secreting hyaluronique acid, which accumulates in the atrium and the whole follicule gets bigger, and become préovulatoire. The hyaluronique acid makes the cumulus detach itself from the granulosa and as it's floating withing the antrum, it become a corona radiata.When the follicule préovulatoire is at its biggest, an apex is form towards the epithélium ovarien.

By Day 14 of the menstrual cycle, the ovulation period is where LH and RSH peak. This peak in LH necroses related tissues of the apex and the follicule bursts. This sudden change of pressure withing the antrum make the myofibroblastes, of the thèque externe, contract which pushes the corona radiata outside of the ovary to become an ovule.

The ovocyte 1 becomes now an ovocyte 2 when expulsed. What's left behind in the zone corticale of the ovary becomes the corps jaune. The Slajvanski membrane deteriorates from the follicule, and this latter shrivels while the thèque layers mingle with the granulosa. Starting from the middle going inside-out of the corps jaune, you have coagulum central, organisation fibreuse, grandes cellules lutéales (which were the granulosa), petites cellules lutéales (which were the thèque interne cells) and the thèque. If the egg is fertilize, the corps jaune will hang out in the ovary's zone corticale to secrete the needed hormones for the fertilized egg until it can sustain itself in the endometer part of the uterus. If the ovule didn't meet it "prince charming" sperm, or when there's embryo, the corps jaune degenerates and becomes a corpus albican, or corps blanc.

That's it! I'm not putting any pictures because I need to know this stuff by heart. When I read it, I see the images in my mind. Basically, I'm purposely making my brain work harder. Now for men this week!!!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Shhhhh! You're loud!

According to : What is being tactful?
A : It is choosing your words and/or actions carefully so as not to offend or anger other people.

I was at a show last night, at the Sala Rosa in Montreal. I saw perform the Dukes of Drags. It was there fifth big annual show : Fan night formula. They're performing again to tonight. I can't compare the Dukes to anything else because they're the only type I know in THE genre, so for me that makes it THEIR genre. I find they're trully incredible, gutsy and hilarious. I will not make a review about them because I'm not a critic! Let's just say they're worth the wait!

We, Justin (boyfriend) and me, waited in the stair with some friends that were already there over an hour before the doors open to have good seats for the show. Sala Rosa is a decent cabaret for the size it is. Once in, we had tables at the front of the stage. Obviously, it was so we could throw panties at the show. Well, that was one of the reason but it is nice to have a firstplan view of the nudity too! The center of the room is tables and chair. On the sides, little rows of chairs are set up.
Our table was stage-right, right in front of the speakers, at the beginning of the little side chair rows and not to far away from the restrooms. A bunch of kids - I have to say kids even though they were obviously early 20's were hanging out, close to the restroom area, drinking and talking really loud with frequent outburst of laughter. A first reaction without looking is : "Wow, they're really in the show!", smiling. Then this laughing doesn't occur during appropriate moments when the show is unfolding or when the emcee is talking. So, you take a look to see that their backs are turned to the stage, they're blocking the view of the people in the first side rows' seats and a couple of friends are looking at them and looking at me while rolling their eyes. They were very loud! I tried to keep my attention on the show but my ear drag me back to those outbursts because it was out of context.

When one of them just started peeking on stage but literally stretching around to hide my boyfriend and breathe in my ear. I physically snap but I kept quiet, still. My boyfriend felt I became a ticking-timing bomb. One the "kids" was running in front of the down-stage area, getting in the front row people's feet and the photographer to take pictures with his crappy little dig-cam. THAT'S IT! I OPEN MY MOUTH!

"Would you mind being respectful and tone it down, we're trying to follow the show here."
One replied : "We're not trying to steal the show..." I cutted in : "Well, you are in a way. You guys are very loud and disruptive. You're hiding people's view a bit everywhere because you weren't there since the beginning. We payed the entry just like you AND probably just like you, a whole bunch of them (pointing to the performers on stage) are friends of ours just like they're yours. So please, be respectful!!!" I didn't yell but I was stern, with a finger sticking out. I have no idea how all that came out of my mouth. I wasn't drunk and stuff was brewing inside. I guess it just age and wisdom that comes with time.

Venues like these are a great place where one can express themselves, be free / open and have a good time. But when "your" fun and self-expression is crushing others', it's just plain disrespectful in my opinion. Before I opened my mouth I thought it was only me they bothered, but when I saw it was my table, the other behind and the first row of chairs on the side - I understood I wasn't being fussy.